A fire table, also known as a fire pit table, is an outdoor piece of furniture that adds a sense of luxury and style to any patio or backyard. Fire tables are convenient and clean, and—unlike traditional firepits—they can be turned off as soon as you’re ready to call it a night. Fire tables create…

A large garage with tool benches and car pulling into the space

Want to keep your garage warm during those cold winter months? Tried of scraping snow and frost off your vehicles? Try a garage heater! Garage heaters can be a great solution to making your garage usable during cold weather. We can help you determine the size and type of garage heater you’ll need and install…

a close up of a stainless steel gas bbq

There are many advantages to deciding to use a natural gas grill connected to your home gas system, including no more last-minute propane runs! Whether you’re looking for a new BBQ gas line or just need a new quick connect installed, we are here help. Advantages of Natural Gas Grilling You’ll never run out of…

A modern kitchen with stainless steel refrigerator, gas stove and dishwasher

A full kitchen remodel may not be on your immediate to-do list, but simply swapping in a new appliances is an quick way to upgrade your space.  Whether you’re looking to install a new range, a dishwasher, or a refrigerator (including new water supply lines for water/ice dispensers), we can help. Pro Tip:  Of course…

blueprints on a table with a measuring tape, level, drill and screws

While some DIY projects can save money and be a fun experience, there are some home projects that just shouldn’t be done yourself. If you’re planning a major kitchen or backyard renovation, you might need to deal with a gas line. Whether you need to work around it safely in the kitchen or extend it…

A leaking pipe can cause major problems for your entire home. If you ignore even what appears to be a small leak long enough, the water can wreak havoc through your home. Poor water quality, warped and stained walls, invasive black mold, and flooding are some of the ways leaky pipes can damage your whole…

steaming hot water coming out of a bathroom tap

Having issues with your hot water tank, or looking to upgrade to a tankless water heater? We can help! If you hot water heater is reaching the end of its lifespan and requires replacement, or you’re dealing with a flooded basement, give us a call today for a free quote. The cost of heating water…

modern showerhead on a dark grey background

If you’re tired of scrubbing limescale from your faucets and shower heads, it may be time to install a water softener. Water naturally has a variety of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Whether a water supply is considered “hard” or “soft” depends on how much of these minerals are in your water. Soft water…

Drip. Drip. Drip. There are few things more annoying than a leaky faucet. It’s a constant reminder that you’re wasting water. Leaks can stain sink surfaces, corrode drains, tax plumbing lines, burn needless energy (when the leak is hot water), and waste water.  Unchecked plumbing problems can really hurt your wallet and haunt you when…

a toilet in front of a green wall

You might not spend a lot of time thinking about your toilet, but toilets have the dubious honor of being the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 24 percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption*. Older, inefficient toilets can use as much as 9.8gallons per flush! Recent advancements in…